Sunday 15 May 2016

PROBLEM STATEMENT- No active effort taken by people against wrongdoings.


In our everyday life we come across a lot of things that are either illegal or corrupt. Corruption is a major issue in this country. We come face corruption in every facet of our life. Theres corruption amongst Private and Government Organisations. It exists among the police, educational institutions and Government Offices. We always give into it because we just want to get it over with or we dont want to mess with anyone or we dont have the patience to wait for the whole process to be completed or we just want to get away with it. Either way we give into it. Without realising we're just encouraging this. Corruption is just a part of things that we take no action against. When we have information or knowledge about something which has already happened or is about to happen and we hesitate to do something about it no matter what the reason, we're just letting people get away with it, No matter how big or small of an impact its gonna have on people, if its negative we should take the responsibility. But the problem with this problem that it cant be solved with just being honest or brave. Confronting these problems comes with a lost of risk. Powerful people have the power and you can do nothing about that. Hence my Solution is to Whistleblow using the Deep Web.


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